Porous spherical silica: 1.9µm, 2.5µm, 3µm, 5µm, 7µm, 10µm
Pore diameter / Surface area : 120A° / 300m²/g 200A° / 200m²/g; 300A° / 100m²/g
Ultra pure silica. Purity >99,999%
Suitable for all kind of samples
C18 - C18HL - C18AQ - C8 - C4 - C1 - PFP - Phenyl-Hexyl - C30 - Si - CN - NH2

Solid Phase Extraction
Polymeric SPE
Classical SPE
Reversed Phase
Normal Phase
Ion exchange
Graphitized Carbon Black
Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE)
Dispersive SPE (Quechers)
Specialty cartridges

Screw neck - crimp neck - headspace vials - inserts
8mm - 9mm - 10mm - 13mm
caps with red PTFE/whhite silicone/ red PTFE septa

Observ-online HPLC
Automate the analyses and follow-up the production process without the hassle of manual sample taking.
The Observ-Online-HPLC takes samples from the process or wastestreams and continuously monitors all the chosen sample components.
For extra flexibility the system can be adapted to your needs (dilution, pH adjustment, post-column reaction,...) Even the implementation of a micro mass spectrometric detector (μSQD) is a possibility.
Triple stage filtration
The Observ-Online-HPLC filters the sample both at the sample taking and after injection. This assures a troublefree, robust process that can run operator free, 24/7.
Up and Running from Day 1
We implement your method during installation and training. In this way you can start analysing from the first day. The intuitive ClarityTM software helps in faster development of new methods.
Service and support from the experts
A team of experts is available to help you out whenever problems might occur. We will never leave you in the dark and will support you throughout the whole life cycle of your instrument.

The FoodAnalyzer is used for quantitative determination of specific analytes in food.
In contrast to typical general HPLC systems the FoodAnalyzer is specifically designed for the analysis of a well-defined scope of compounds and matrices. This allows top performance in analytical applications with limited sample preparation.
Extract - Filter - Analyze
By using the standardized reagent kits no laborious sample preparation is needed.
When using conventional equipment and methods sample preparation is often needed to eliminate interference or to protect certain parts of the hardware (e.g. detector cell). The reagent kits and instrument configuration are developed in such an innovative way it outperforms conventional methods in terms of comlexity, labor time and overall analysis cost.
One system - broad scope
The hardware platform combined with the reagent kits makes it possible to analyze a whole scope of analytes with one system. For certain compounds however an extra detector might be needed (and is available).
Service and support from the experts
A team of experts is available to help you out whenever problems might occur. We will never leave you in the dark and will support you throughout the whole life cycle of your instrument.
Scope of analysis:
Carbohydrates (sugar) profile: Arabinose, Fructose, glucose, Galatactose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, stachyose, nystose, raffinose, ...
Mycotoxins: DON, NIV, OTA, AFLA, ZEA, Fumonisins
Biogenic amines
Glyphosate / AMPA / Glufosinate